October 26, 2015
Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
Over 110 parents came last Tuesday to hear Sr. Pat McCormack speak. I know from feedback that she was very well received, and parents appreciated her message and parenting tips. As parents we all struggle with decisions we make with our children, whether they are 6 months, 6 , 16, or 26 years old. Sr. Pat and her website (ParentsTeachersSupport.org) are an excellent resource. You would do well to list it as a favorite on your device. For those that could not attend, I hope you can see her when she returns on February 9th.
Sr. Pat's message to our students was equally as powerful. Ask our younger students about "Good, Better, Best ." I'll bet they can recite the poem. For the older students, she had some poignant remarks/questions for our children. For example:
- What makes people truly happy? Is it good looks? Money? Fancy Cars /Clothes? Being the best student or athlete? If this is true, why have so many famous people in entertainment and sports ended up with lives of despair when they seem to have everything?
- Rather then things that sch as fame and fortune to define one's self esteem, Sr Pat told our students that a person makes his/her own self esteem by the choices they make.
- She told students to : "Define their Dash." Perhaps you have heard of that poem. I have heard it at a few funerals. If you have never heard of the poem entitled, "The Dash , you can find it here:www.linda-ellis.com/the-dash-the-dash-poem-by-linda-ellis-.html
- She reminded students that you never really know what is going on in the lives of friends and families. There are people smiling on the outside that truly on the inside are in a great deal of pain and anguish.. We are called to be compassionate and empathetic.
Mike McNamara (parent of Paddy and Finn) came Friday to present the Travis Manion Character Assembly for grades 6, 7, & 8. It was time well spent as he carried the message of Travis' Legacy: "If not me , then who" ? Perhaps you have seen the bracelet your child received. The four pillars of character: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, and Service. were taught and examples of each were given.
While what we teach our students academically is very important, lessons learned in assemblies like Sr. Pat and Travis Manion are forever more important. I was very proud of how our students received both our guests as they listened and showed great respect.
Other Items
This Tuesday, October 27, is the due date for the SKS Raffle Tickets. We need the tickets and the $250 turned in by then. We need our families to help us realize our fundraising goal. Thank you for helping keep our parish/school strong financially.
REMINDER: The last day for Parent/Teacher/Student Conference sign up on the SIGN UP GENIUS website is Friday 10/30 by 12 noon. The link was sent to you by Anne last Tuesday, 10/20, in an email.
Any accessorizing for the Halloween-a-thon (make-up, face painting, etc.) needs to be done before the children come to school. Please refrain form using any glitter as it creates a huge clean up problem in the gym and school. Thanks for understanding.
The Respect Life Team's Baby Bottle collection raised over $1300 for Mother's Home in Darby. Last year, they bought car seats for them. Pope Francis would be proud of our families who are helping those less fortunate. Thank you.
Sunday, November 1st, the online REGISTRATION for the 2016-17 school year opens for current students and any incoming new siblings. (No, I am not kidding!). We do this earlier than most schools for budgeting /planning purposes. November 3rd is for any new families. We need all families to re-register if you plan to return so we can count heads to plan. Those that register are guaranteed a spot for next year.
Our school is successful because we work with you daily as co-educators to teach and develop the whole child. Know the teachers/staff and I are grateful for your steady support.
Take care,
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Sr. Pat presents to the KG Class about Good, Better, Best! |
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Lots of smiles with Sr. Pat after she talked to the 3rd and 4th grade. |
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The church chapel was the perfect setting for her presentation to grades 5th & 6th, and then the 7th and 8th grades. |
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Mr. Mike McNamara with some of our students after the Travis Manion Character Assembly. |
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Some 6th grade students help stuff care packages for 9/11 Heroes run in honor of the Travis Manion Foundation. |
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Catherine Haley and Grace Manion performed their own written closing of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" before an audience of teachers and students in Mr McConomy's 8th grade ELA class. |
Sophia Reeder's portrait of her younger sister, Annabel, was just one of many outstanding portraits . Each student picked someone they admired, and listed reasons why they chose to draw the person in Mr. Checchia's art class.
The 4th Grade Flag Football team had fun and displayed great sportsmanship during their season.