Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 22, 2016

Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families

         Please keep kindergarten teacher Mary Kay Ryan and her family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of her mother, Mrs. Joan Seher, who passed away last  week. Also keep in your prayers the great grandmother of Blair Murray. She also passed away this week. Also librarian and teacher, Jill D'Agostino who lost her grandmother, Marian Quartararo , only weeks after the passing of her father-in -law.

         The 2nd trimester report cards should be in your hands by today at the latest. Please review your child's report card with them and sign the envelope.  Please have your child return it to school by Friday, April 8 at the latest. This last trimester takes effort from everyone but especially from  your child.  Spring Fever turning to Summer Vacation Fever is never a good excuse for not doing our best. Teachers and parents continue to set  high expectations for students to finish the year strong with their best consistent effort.

        You couldn't make this story up: Last week, the  day after we met with the two companies that are set  install the new intercom and security systems this summer, our intercom system imploded on us. Really?!  Yep, this is no ploy to drum up more capital campaign funds any quicker then they are already coming in. The CPU unit is fried and to replace it will cost at least a few thousand. For now we are going with Plan B. We have a system in place both communication /emergency wise if needed.  It's a bit loud (ok it's really loud),  but for now it will suffice until we get the new system in. Oh,  and Anne C. will be getting more steps on her fit-bit as well running messages up and down.

        I want to update you  regarding the state book situation. Let me give you what I believe is some good news.  While  I can't predict what will happen next September going forward with the state budget, I would like to think that Governor Wolf and legislature will not go through this travesty again.  But then again, it is politics. However, there is good news We did finally get all our state funds this year and a significant amount more than the expected allotment. We have until April 30th to spend it it all, and we will. After April 30th ,we do not recoup a nickel of this amount . The money we get for books can only be used only for books and other educational resources. The funds  are not cumulative.  You either spend it or lose it for that year. We can use this money for books needed going forward into next year. Again this summer we should get our funds for next year (providing the budget is passed.)  So the teachers are in the process of using all this extra money we have to order books going forward for both this year and into next year. With this happening we should be in decent shape for next year. I hope this communicates to you  clearly where we are.

      In the pictures below are several from our project with the the Uncommon Individual Foundation.  For another look at what UIF and our students did see the video:                                                                                                               ""

     Our 8th grade did a wonderful job of presenting a reverent depiction of the Passion last Friday evening.  There are some pictures below from that night.  I am appreciative of theirs efforts. They were led by teachers Bill Di Clemente, David Heacock , Jackie Sevag, Ross Fry. Mike McConomy and parishioner , Laura Kerr. The Resurrection is a story of courage and selfless sacrifice. It is a story of God's love for all mankind.  Encourage your families to make Holy Week just that: Holy.  Blessings on your families for a  joyous Easter .

Take care,


  Yesterday was World Down Syndrome Awareness Day.  Principal Michael Schuller was checking his schedule (above) in his office and making sure the school was in good order.  He and few classmates (top photo) performed a skit on the parable of the Good Samaritan which was well received by both lunches.

Blair Murray shows off her "leprechaun trap" to catch those little guys. As good as the traps were , the little rascals got away,  but not before leaving a note and a trail behind. Maybe next year!  

Sophia Twohig poses with SKS Alumnus,Bridget Maguire, (Villa Maria) as they practice for rehearsal  for the All Catholic Band performance at the Kimmel Center tonight. 

Peter Vitanzo and Kayleigh Doyle (with Mr. Mike McConomy) were DAR award winners for their writing in the annual contest. They were honored two weeks ago at a breakfast by the Daughters of the American Revolution. 

Nine years from when it first started, our 8th graders from our SKS  Irish Dance team performed at the annual St. Patrick's Day parade downtown. Pictured are Samantha Dole, Katherine McCormick, Grace Manion and Kayleigh Doyle.  

Our Irish Dancers made some seniors at Daylesford Abbey smile by visiting, performing, and spending some time with them. Caroline Krisko and Kathleen Sisian are here with some friends. There nothing nicer then making someone else's day.  

We have had  a few Dress Down Days to help SKS Alumni for their service trips. Pictured above, Meghan Jones, Class of 2012 , and a senior at St. Joseph's University went on a service trip on spring break called  APEX (Appalachian Experience) to  the Wilkesboro, North Carolina to build houses. We are very proud of our SKS Alumni. 

Uncommon Individual Foundation /SKS Cross Project


Each homeroom in the 6th, 7th, & 8th  grade formed design teams to create a special SKS Cross. Pictured above are some of the design team winners.  Like editing a research paper, the design teams learned they had submit and redo over and over to get to a final product. Directly above are four of the winning six "SKS Crosses" that were chosen.  The design teams did a tremendous job and the final products constructed with the 3-D printers produced a quality piece.  We are very proud of the end results which will be hung in the media center.   After Easter, we will be meeting with UIF to see how we can further partner our school with their mentors. 

2. (From left) Co-chairs Kristin Sims, Nicole Buggie and Moira Hobson.

The SKS Fashion Show was a huge hit at the Lisiter Barn thanks to chairs: Kristen Donahue, Nicole Bugge, and Moira Hobson.

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Enjoying a night out at the SKS Fashion Show are:Mary Ann Garzio, Tara Clark, Suzanne O'Connor, Alicia Rhodes.

Living Stations by 8th Grade 

Mr. Bill Di Clemente, with help from other teachers, lead the 8th grade in the performance of the Living Stations. Tim Brogan played the role of Jesus.

Sixth Grade Living Stations 

Mrs. Orsatti's and Ms. DeFino's 6th graders performed the Living Stations in the classroom this week as well.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2, 2016

Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
          The journey through Lent continues with a focus on prayers, doing for others, sacrificing some, forgiving, and asking for forgiveness. We all have things we need to improve on regardless of age. The faculty and I  have continued using the Little Black Book for Lent. There are some real gems reflection wise in that book. I have extra copies if you would like one, just let me know. The rest of this blog is communicating items of school importance. Thanks for reading and staying in the loop.

Take care,


SKS Centennial     
The first SKS Centennial Meeting was held last Wednesday and plans are in the making for a
year-long series of events next year to celebrate SKS:100 Years! There was a energetic group of people: teachers, parents, at the meeting led by co-chairs Anne Condello and David Heacock.  Our school's legacy of  celebrating one hundred years of existence is a huge deal don't you think?  If you would like to help out please contact Anne Condello at school. Soon there will be a launching of a Centennial Sign Up Genius. Please consider getting involved.

                                                            Capital Campaign
We are officially two weeks into our Capital Campaign - Securing Our Future. If you have not received a phone call as yet , please expect a call soon from your homeroom captain. If you have any questions about anything regarding this please don't hesitate to call me. A brochure has been sent home with the oldest child in the school so please check backpacks. The brochure does a terrific job explaining everything that we do here for fundraising.
Spiritual Life Advancement Team 
There is a Rosary Group forming for parents after the 8am Mass here on Wednesdays. For now it will be in church after the 8 am Mass. When the weather breaks it will be in the grotto. Mary is always ready to listen to our prayers and our grotto is sacred pray-ground. I know you are busy, but try to carve out a some time for yourself to pray.
  For more info contact Susan Schuller  at

Family Life/Education Advancement Team 

Our Family Life /Education Advancement Team reports that our students on that committee (who represent our upper grades) want to be educated on three specific topics:

- Drug and Alcohol Education: Specifically they would like to hear from young adults who have gone through through addiction and how they can avoid the pitfalls.

- Social Media: They want to hear from someone who is knowledgeable from a  legal standpoint what consequences are to be faced when teenagers cross the line. 

- Suicide Prevention: Students want education on this subject. We realize this is a frightening topic in many ways for many families. We would not have an assembly with the students without first having a night with parents about this. 

The Home & School Board, Youth Ministry (Steph Twohig), and The Family Life /Education Advancement Team are pursuing professional speakers in all three areas.  We are looking to line up an assembly in the spring with one or possibly two of these topics. We will keep you posted on the details of this and communicate clearly what will be presented. In assemblies of any topic deemed sensitive, parents, as primary educators,  have the right to have their child opt out from the assembly. 

 Generation Life will be here to present their talk on Chastity to the 7th and 8th grade on March 22. The 7th & 8th grade girls will be together and the 7th & 8th grade boys will be together as well. The 6th grade presentation will be co-ed and focus
solely on understanding your value as a child of God, seeking out good friends and role models, and the importance of being kind and respectful towards others  

From Mr. T.'s Desk 

I told this true anecdote to the Capital Campaign Captains two weeks ago;

A certain primary grade SKS student approached me a few weeks back and the conversation went like this:

Student: "Mr. T. are you a teacher?

Mr.T.: Yes,  I still consider myself a teacher all the time." 

Student: "But do you still teach a class and have a classroom?

Mr. T.: No, I don't have a class like the other teachers, but I still like to think that I still teach....."

Student: "Well if you don't have classroom and don't teach a class, what do you actually do all day?"

Let's just say in the end  it was one of those moments that I was left speechless..... so funny, every day here is another adventure. 

A few weeks ago this CYO article was shared with many constituents within our parish but it was never officially shared within our school. It's a wonderful story of compassion and empathy displayed by many of our graduates from SKS who were playing a high school CYO game. Just in case you didn't see it I hope you will take a few minutes to read it. It's a reason to be proud of our graduates and families. Are there two more important values than compassion and empathy?​

                                                           All Catholic Festival Band                                                                    
Two student made All Catholic Festival Band from our school. Sophia Di Giovanni performed at a concert at Archbishop Wood  two weeks ago. Sophia Twohig will perform with the festival band students at the Kimmel Center on March 22nd. Congrats to both performers.

Home and School Board 

Next week you will receive information from the Home &School Board asking for parents to run for five positions that will be open for next fall.. Our Home & School Board is an integral part of our school community. If you are thinking about running for any position , then you should. Meetings are only once a month from September through June. You can help us!

March Calendar 

The month of March brings about a flurry of activities on the school calendar. Here are some updates with a reminder that all these events are on the school /parish calendars.

-  2/29 to 3/4: This week our students are taking the Terra Nova  Standardized Testing. We run a special schedule where testing is done in the morning.  Regular classes are held after testing  with abbreviated classes. Typically we get the TN  test results in mid to late May.  The 2nd trimester officially ends March 11th. Report cards will be given out on Monday and Tuesday  March 21 -22.

- Parish Retreat for Lent 6:15 in Parish Center with guest speaker: Megan Cokely and 7:30 Mass

- 3/4 to 3/5   24 Hours for Life: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in church

- 3/5  First Eucharist Retreat for Grade 3  8:30 am -12 pm Parish Center

- 3/8 Home & School Meeting (rescheduled from February) Sr. Pat Mc Cormack  7 PM in cafeteria

- 3/10  Spring Fashion Show @ Lisiter - This has always been a HUGE event for us and one of our main fundraisers for school. I hope many of our Moms & Friends will be able to attend. I heard the venue is really nice.

-  3/11 End 2nd Trimester, also St Paddy's Day Party: Blarney Bash in cafeteria for grades KG-4  6 to 8 pm

- 3/12 Confirmation Retreat for 6th grade in Parish center 8:30 am to 12 pm

- 3/13 Culture of Life Concert in church  4 pm - all are invited as the music will be outstanding.

- 3/14 begin 3rd Trimester  and  Begin GO RUN Program after school @ 3:15

- 3/16  School Mass by 3rd grade

- 3/17 Happy St. Patrick's Day Dress Down Day given by Mr. O' Tosti for wearing of the green!              The DD Day benefits alumnus, Meghan Jones, for her community service trip.

- 3/18 Living Stations performed by Class of 2016.    Dress rehearsal 1:15   7 pm Performance in Church

- 3/19 -20    Bake Sale after Masses for 8th Grade

- 3/21  World Down Syndrome Day, Report cards given out, Go Run 3:15

- 3/22 Confessions for grades 2 - 8 in church. Reports cards given out.
   Easter Break begins at 3 pm for students/ families. Generation Life presents to grades 6, 7, & 8.

- 3/23 Faculty Retreat at Malvern Retreat House

- 3/24 - 3/27 Holy Week Services in church

- 3/27 Happy Easter

- 3/29  Faculty in Service  - 9 to 3

- 3/30 Classes resume  Go Run 3:15

- 4/1  4th  Grade Field Trip to Crystal Cave

- 4/2 - 4/3   First Eucharist Masses offered

Is this a busy enough March into April ?

SKS Happenings 

The Class of 2012 and their parents had a grand reunion in the parish center. I can't even believe these kids are ready to graduate from high school and off to college next fall.  

How about these two? Sisters? Nope, but they sure look like it!  Third grader Brooke Miller poses with Rosemont student /teacher, Erin Kenny, who has been with us since January in Miss Panaro's class.  Last week, ten other aspiring teachers from Rosemont College  visited our school to watch our teachers in action. 

Winners of the auction for SKS Guys Night Out were: Steve Elliot, Rob Kendall, 
Jim Frohner and Reno deGennaro. We had a great night with an excellent turnout. If you missed it, we'll see you next time or come crash the Fashion Show!

Some of our winners from the famous Scouts' Pinewood Derby are above. Below are some of the cars. Mr. Gavin and his good friend, Jimmie Johnson, would be very proud.
       SKS 8th Grade Business Day

 Over $2800 will be donated to the Make A Wish Foundation thanks to the hard working  entrepreneurs of the Class of 2016.

Reading Olympics 

What's the fastest way to get smarter?  Read, Read and Read some more! The 5th graders here are getting ready for the upcoming Reading Olympics that our school will participate in with the Delaware County Intermediate Unit . Great job Mrs. Jill D'Agostino, her parent volunteers, and our students!

More Fantastic Reading News !

Students from Pope John Paul II High School including SKS Alumnus, Mike Shreiner (above) visited our KG-1 grade classes to read to our students.  Dr Seuss was the book theme - excellent choice!