Special Memorial Day Weekend Blog
"Lest We Forget"
Quote for Remembering Deceased Veterans
May 26 , 2016
Dear St. Katharine of Siena Families,
My dad was a veteran. He served in World War II in the Philippines. I remember in my youth his speaking about his time of service in the war but it never really "hit" me. As I grew older and the possibility of my being drafted (I wasn't) for the Vietnam War, the realities of what my Dad and so many other men and women veterans did became a reality. . In the later years, I began to appreciate more and more what those that served and those that continue to serve do for us. Their sacrifice is our freedom. At my dad's burial, (five years ago this August), and the burial of any veteran, Taps is played and the presentation of the American flag is given to the fallen soldier's loved ones. It is one of the more emotional and touching moments of honor and appreciation you can be a apart of. My Dad 's flag is in the living room of our house where Mom still lives. It rests on the mantle of the fireplace. Every time I go over there, it's a steady reminder of what he and so many others did for our country. This blog is my personal salute to any grandparents, parents, family or friends who served or are currently serving. You have my deepest respect, admiration, and gratitude.
As we approach Memorial Day this weekend, many of us will head to places to relax. We 'll be at the beach, the mountains, a neighborhood cookout, or a parade. Lest we forget. We should take time to remember those who paid the ultimate price for our country's freedom and have continued to protect that freedom through the years. We should teach our children at an early age that this weekend has important meaning. This weekend is far more than just the start of the shore season. We pray for all those who sacrificed and for their families as well. We ask God to protect and keep safe the courageous men and women who are currently serving our country.
Please keep in your prayers Greg Skoruk, the grandfather of Lucas and Eliana de Gennaro who is recovering from a serious accident. Also please pray for Lou Wells, the grandfather of the Julie, Alexa and Declan Pyfer who has been sick.
Here is another blog that every parent needs to read about their own child and how they treat others. Before you say, "Not my child," read the article. Some good parenting lessons here.
May God bless us and keep us safe this coming weekend and always. Happy Memorial Day weekend.
Take care,
P.S. This event below honors soldeiers from Radnor who gave their lives for our counry. It is being held on Friday at Radnor High School - many of our SKS graduates did research on these honored heroes in the Saving Hallowed Ground Project. It is open to the public.
This week,
we memorialize 57 former Radnor High School students who died
while serving our country. Our Wall of Honor veterans memorial will
be unveiled on Thursday, May 26 at a private ceremony at RHS.
The memorial will open for public viewing on Friday, May 27, from 5-7 p.m. Learn more: Inductees | Opening Events
Some of our 2nd graders receive their First Communion in their own parish.
One of our school's finest traditions: The Annual 8th Grade Parent Dinner.
Mr. Fry (pictured above) directs the 3rd & 4th grade as they entertained the entire school to the play entitled Summer Camp.
Mrs. Mollie Casey, 3rd grade teacher gave 15 years of service to our school. She stopped by to see the students two weeks and was promptly greeted by former students.
SKS Scenes from School
Seventh grade teams collaborated from Mrs. O'Sullivan's science class on their Dragon Project.
Some of our 2nd graders receive their First Communion in their own parish.
One of our school's finest traditions: The Annual 8th Grade Parent Dinner.
The mother /daughter Team of Maureen and Catherine Haley painted this beautiful mural pictured behind them. The mural is located on the wall outside the 8th grade classroom.
Scenes from the Annual Father Daughter Dance (KG-5)
Mr. Fry (pictured above) directs the 3rd & 4th grade as they entertained the entire school to the play entitled Summer Camp.
Camp Runamouk was full of 3rd &4th grade campers. The audience was highly entertained!
Cecilia Gallagher (top) and Owen Bergan (above) gave their speeches at the Student Council election. Thirteen 7th graders ran for office. Our elected officers for next year are: Quinn Bookbinder, Paddy Mc Namara, Hailey Nord, Madelyn Schultz, Molly Searing, and Samantha Shreiner.