Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 29, 2016

Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
          Can you even believe we are headed to October?  It's been pretty smooth sailing so far.  Here are some bullet points of information for you.

* Clean out your attic, garage, basement, and closets for a great cause.  Cradles to Crayons ( will have a storage pod here at SKS on Midland Ave. from this coming Monday, October 3rd through Wednesday, October 5th.  Last year we filled the entire pod up. Here is what they are looking for:

 Donations of new and nearly new children’s items.  We accept donations of new and nearly new clothing, shoes, books, baby items, and school supplies for kids ages 0 to 12.

* October 14th is the SKS Parent Fall Social. That's a Friday evening at 7 pm. It's a fun parent event and a fundraiser for the school as well. I hope to see you there.

* October 15th is Dan's Down Dog Dash. You may have seen signs for it all over school and around town. While it's not an "official" school event , it is here at SKS and it is in memory of Dan Schultz , a beloved SKS  parent, who passed away in June of 2012

* We have tightened the rules on the ship a bit this school year. We are not a military school but with 430+ students we have to maintain order. We have a "Student Expectation Faculty Committee" that has worked since last year on a set of "expected behaviors for all students in given situations." This committee is continuing to work on these expectations and we have created videos with students and teachers (they are funny ones). The videos are still being edited.   As the committee continues to meet, we have implemented a few of the expected behaviors already at  morning prayers/announcements, at recess, and at dismissal times.  It allows for smoother sailing in school. It makes a safer school and we are more respectful of each other. A simple example is when  moving in groups we are in single file as opposed to mass herding . This allows for two way traffic and avoids any possible push or shove on a step. Respectful order is what we are looking for.  By January, we expect to have a full roll out of all our expected behaviors and show each grade the videos . The "right videos " will show the students with the proper behavior in a situation. The "wrong videos"  will show teachers behaving in the wrong way for each situation. A little humor will go a long way here . Stay tuned but several parents have already seen the result in action in the cafeteria at dismissal time . The students had a difficult time in week #1,  but week #2 and #3 they have been great in complying.  A HUGE improvement! As one parent remarked to me after being on the cafeteria at dismissal: "This is part of the reason why we send our kids here." I agree.

*  Please and thank you for selling those raffle tickets.  If you have NO RAFFLE TICKETS = Check a school bag.  The oldest child was given them over  two weeks ago to bring home. Selling those tickets gets us half way to our goal of raising $100,000 for the operating budget of the school. We need your help here so thanks. Raffle tickets are due in by or on October 25th.

* If you want to volunteer at school  remember that Pa. State Law mandates that you have all three clearances (criminal, Child Abuse, and FBI finger prints along with taking the Safe Environment class for our school. There is a session here at SKS on October 5 at 7 PM  in the parish center. You can sign up by talking to Sr. Maryann Zakreski at 610-688 - 4584  or email her at

* The new intercom system and security system are both working well. It has been a tremendous improvement. For those with us last year, you know that last May/June  was just ridiculous as our intercom system just flat out died on us.  Communication was done by pony express and it got old real fast. The intercom is clear, two -way, and  we have excellent communication  for regular situations and emergencies. There are still some issues to work out but we are really fortunate. The security system with the cameras and automated locks have really made us a more functional and safer school. None of this was possible without the efforts of our generous families.  Again our gratitude to all. The playground upgrade is still in reach if we can continue to raise on going funds to get to $200,000.

* Thanks for those who were able to attend the Back To School Nights.  Building a partnership with your child's teacher(s) started at that BTSN. It doesn't end there. Please re-read my BTSN notes for review and see if you are following a good road map to success for your child. Advocate but don't do for your child.. Doing for your child creates "enablers" and once they get in that mode it's not fun getting them out of "Mom /Dad please do my school work for me .....". Guide and support is your role; not do.   Remember you don't get a report card; your child does.  The plan is to teach responsibility, accountability (natural consequences)  and that they learn to advocate for themselves.

* I have had a great time these last few weeks getting to  know our new kindergarten class and the dozen new students we have at school. Before October, I will have to know every student here by name or I owe them a pretzel. I am just about there. With new parents, I need a bit more time and if I don't know your name in a month or so it's because I haven't seen you around here enough.

Take care,


Before you look at pictures here check out the our new school video. In 3 short minutes,  I think it captures the Catholic, caring and nurturing community we have. Special thanks to SKS Alumnus , Grace Twohig,  our Technology  Teacher, Christina Elisio (also an SKS Alum!), and parents, Sean and Meghan Martin who all contributed to putting this great video together.  You can access it at:


Student Council and Homeroom Reps at our first school mass.  If you can, try to make a school mass, as they are spiritually inspiring. 

Working hard in Mrs. Jennifer Loftus' 7th grade ELA class: The Chromebooks come in handy.  Thank you Home & School Association and parents for helping us.  
Mr Ross Fry's music class is always a fun and engaging place to be. 
The first  Speak Up! Leadership Team Meeting was held here last week. Speak Up! night will be on  Monday night November 7th at 6:30  at  St. Colman /John Neumann School as we combine both schools for the annual night. Speak Up is designed specifically for students and parents in the 7th & 8th grades.  Leading this meeting is former SKS parent, Sara Leyden.  More info will follow - parents of 7th and 8th grade please reserve that date!

Mrs. Marchese guides one of our new students, 2nd grader, Whitney Judge, during a gym class. 

Nora Elliot and Edie Whalen are learning while all smiles in Technology class. 
Students are everywhere (even on top of the table!) in Mrs. Rachel Grimley's 6th grade science class applying the rules for "Is This a Fair Test?"  Science Class = Hands On Learning!

Jake Manion (left) and Luke Miller (right)  with Mrs. Chrissy O'Sullivan were in the 5K race downtown for the Travis Manion Foundation earlier this fall. Our school has been a supporter of this foundation. 

Fun in Mr Gavin's 3rd grade classroom as they read in their story about Tents in their classroom tents that they made in the classrooms.  
And a few more pictures from the Fox29 Good Day Centennial Assembly 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27,2016

Dear SKS Families,
       We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog for this special SKS Centennial Events Blog which features pictures below and the link for the Kelly's Classroom - The Fox 29 Good Day Show featuring Bob Kelly.

      Our students went crazy today (in a good way ) and it was tremendous fun. Bob Kelly could not have been any nicer or more personable with our SKS Family.  The students made up fun signs (I liked our KG 's  SKS 100 Eyeglasses as most original!) , our SKS Band played the National Anthem and our youth choir and upper grades choir both sang beautifully.  As Bob Kelly left,  we sang our School Alma Mater Song. It was a terrific morning for our school.

      For the many of you who were unable to see it "live"  this morning, here is the  link to the news-clip Fox 29 sent us from this morning.


      Below are some pictures from the morning too. A thank you  to J.P. Boles who took some great pictures all morning.

     If you want to join the SKS Centennial Bandwagon  and see how you can help out, go to the the school website tab community and click on the right side menu where it says SKS Centennial Celebration 2016,  

      Happy 100th Birthday to us! We all look pretty good for being 100 years old!

Best regards,


                                                   SKS Centennial Celebration with Bob Kelly
                                  Kelly's Classroom from Fox29News Good Day Morning Program  



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7, 2016

  Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
                   I absolutely love the first day of school here. I never tire of it.  Everyone is so excited and we had a great day. I like to take pictures and share them with you. The pictures always  tell a story of a good and happy place. Each day we will strive to be kind to each other and take care of one another as Jesus has taught us.  Each day will strive to be resilient, with a positive growth mindset, that we can all do great things with our best effort. And here it is all about effort.  Each day we will teach and learn ...and teach and learn some more from each other.  We will learn  about math, reading, music and science for sure,  but more importantly about how to lead a good life and help one another.
                 Blessings on our school community. Parents, thanks for entrusting us with your child and thanks for partnering with us in helping each student be their best. Students, thanks for your energy and enthusiasm. You keep me (and the teachers/staff) young at heart.
                 What could be more important than what we do here  ? More challenging? More rewarding?  We are a blessed community. Here's to another 100 years at  St. Katharine of Siena School!  Enjoy the pictures SKS Family. Day #1 is in the books! Here we go!!!

Take care and see you soon ,


P.S.  The faculty/staff loved their SKS 100 Years Celebration T shirts. I think we may have to order more for our families. They were a huge hit!