Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
I hope you have received the email from Home & School Board about the two board positions that are open this spring. This school counts on our Home and School in a leadership role to help keep our ship sailing smoothly. We have been blessed to work with great leaders and look forward to working with someone who can help keep our school at the forefront of Catholic education in this area. Please consider running for the two open positions (President and New Family/Volunteer Coordinator). We would be happy to meet with anyone to further discuss the positions. Please call me at school.
The LUV4LOGAN 18th Birthday / SKS Scholarship Party was a very special night celebrating Logan's 18th birthday with his classmates and with many current and former parents from SKS.
When Logan's dad, Marty, read Parke's (Logan's older brother) letter, you could literally hear a pin drop in the gym. It was one of those moments in time you were so proud to be a part of this community. I have copied Parke's letter below to share with you because I find it inspirational that a young man (20 years old) and a graduate of SKS would pen these words.
The preliminary number raised for the L4L Scholarship for SKS could be in excess of $50,000! I don't have a final number as yet. However, it's way beyond what we as a committee expected. I remain grateful to Logan, Marty, Melissa, Parke and Bailey, the committee members (all who were current or alumni SKS parents), the generous sponsors, and all who were able to attend. The Kid's Party for Logan in the cafeteria had over three dozen of Logan's classmates and friends attend. They have been loyal to Logan and their alma mater.
The school year is flying by for all of us. The second trimester ends March 10th. Starting next week, teachers will be doing some prep work for the Terra Nova Standardized Test that we take as a school in mid March. We will not stop our curriculum and we will not spend great amounts of time teaching to the test. We will spend a minimal amount of class time to give our students some idea of what they can expect. As a school, we recognize that the any standardized test is one piece of a student's academic profile. The only thing they need to do is their best. We will review some basic test taking skills such as not getting stuck on one problem and using the process of elimination.
On Wednesday, February 22nd , the 8th grade will have Business Day. As they read the best selling book, The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, the students formed collaborative groups and creatively must organize a business and execute their business plan. Their business will be displayed throughout the entire school day in the Parish Center and the school (KG -7) will visit their businesses as possible consumers. There will be NO FOOD in any of the businesses presented. Any profits made by the Class of 2017 will be donated to Dan's Down Dog & Dash in memory of Dan Schultz.
Guys Night Out is Thursday, February 23rd at 7 pm at Casey's in Berwyn. Come on out and rehash some of those glory days of yesteryear with your SKS pals. It's a fun night. The Ladies Fashion Show: Fabulous at Every Age (100 years of SKS) is March 9th at Aronimink Country Club. Ladies, come out and enjoy the camaraderie of good friendship and fantastic shopping for a great cause: 100 years of SKS!
Please try to attend the Home & School Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 7 pm in the cafeteria. Psychologist, Michael Blanche, from Comprehensive Counseling, will be the featured speaker and he will talk and answer your questions on how you can navigate your families through the challenges of technology, cell phones, and social media with your children.
Some of you have asked about where we are with the new playground surface as part of the SKS Capital Campaign. Msgr Brouwers, Cindy Mc Kernan, and I have been researching and visiting schools and other places to make sure we "get this right." Our last visit was to the Elmwood Zoo in Norristown where a surface was recently installed there. They seem very happy with the product and the company. We are currently working with that company and anxiously awaiting an estimate. I will keep you posted. Our goal to have this playground installed before this school year is out.
If you have not responded back as yet for the SKS Centennial Bash on March 25th and want to come please do so asap. The Lucky Stiffs are really good! It's going to be one big dance party and celebration. You should come! Tickets are limited, better hurry!
SKS Centennial Bash March 25, 2017 Evites have gone out! - Save the Date
March 25, 2017 at 7 pm St. Katharine of Siena School
Centennial Bash
St. Katharine of Siena Parish Center *Celebrating 100 years of Faith, Family and Academics* Come and join us for an evening of Casual Dining, Dancing and Reconnecting with your St. Katharine of Siena School family! Relive the glory days of parties in our Parish Center, music compliments of our local house band the Lucky Stiffs (welcome back John Goetz and crew!!)
Get your babysitters, contact all alumni friends and parents, special guest appearances from faculty “alumni!” Prove to them that you actually got a job with all of your education! Evites have been sent to you, check your inbox or please contact Anne Condello at the school office at 610-688-5451 or email at for questions or information. Tickets are $60 per person payable to SKS or use the online option to purchase. This party is a 21 and over event.
Third Grade performs for the SKS Aberdeen Social Club

March 25, 2017 at 7 pm St. Katharine of Siena School
Centennial Bash
St. Katharine of Siena Parish Center *Celebrating 100 years of Faith, Family and Academics* Come and join us for an evening of Casual Dining, Dancing and Reconnecting with your St. Katharine of Siena School family! Relive the glory days of parties in our Parish Center, music compliments of our local house band the Lucky Stiffs (welcome back John Goetz and crew!!)
Get your babysitters, contact all alumni friends and parents, special guest appearances from faculty “alumni!” Prove to them that you actually got a job with all of your education! Evites have been sent to you, check your inbox or please contact Anne Condello at the school office at 610-688-5451 or email at for questions or information. Tickets are $60 per person payable to SKS or use the online option to purchase. This party is a 21 and over event.
This is what Parke Schweiter wrote for the L4L Event:
Happy Birthday Logie!
Hello everyone! I promise to keep this brief as I hope you are all enjoying this celebratory night and each other’s company. First, I would like to thank everyone here for their dedication to both my family and the Saint Katharine’s community. Your support has been felt since the first day I walked through those front doors and I take great confidence in seeing your continued commitment tonight. As much as I would love to share in this great event with you all, my Hobart lacrosse team had our first game today and at this time I am hopefully heading back to campus after a big win against Penn State! Despite my absence, however, I would still like to take a moment to share with you how my time at SKS has instilled various values in my life that have molded me into the person I am today, one chiefly being the necessity of faith. Since my time at SKS, I’ve faced various challenges that have led me to question my purpose in life and where my beliefs lie. Time and again I’ve come to realize that in all things God is present, no matter the situation, and that when you fully put your trust in Him, He always delivers. Once we are able to view the world through the lens of a fervent disciple, we can see God’s hand at work and discover peace in all of life’s circumstances.
With great faith and gratitude for all of you present tonight, I ask that we bow our heads and pray for God’s blessing:
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of this Saint Katharine’s community. You have so graciously blessed us with loving, caring, and devoted individuals who constantly tend to the needs of one another. Help us to see you in even the toughest of situations and to bring the good news of Your name wherever we go. We pray that through this scholarship the SKS community can touch the lives of more students and teach them the beauty of faith. We also pray that Logan’s spirit of perseverance and hope may continue to inspire gratitude for all the many blessings You’ve given us in life. Please watch over this community and assist us as we continue to do Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Take care,
Third Grade performs for the SKS Aberdeen Social Club