Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 5, 2015

Dear Parents,
               Here’s February’s blog with a follow up on Catholic Schools Week, an article on Catholic schools, and some financial information.   
Why do you send your child to St. Katharine of Siena School?  Cindy Mc Kernan forwarded  this article to me which I shared with the teachers. It is written by a parent who asked to talk about his experiences at his school during CSW.  It’s a good read for those who believe in Catholic education:

Last week, we celebrated in many ways who we are and what we believe.  The theme: A Community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service is something we live, not just during CSW, but year-round.
                We are a community …. a community of believers in our faith, first and foremost, and also a community that believes in the mission of this school.  At Sunday’s Open House /Showcase, we saw our community in action at Mass and in the school that day. Msgr. Brouwers was both complimentary and kind as he spoke about this school community and how as a team, we do things very well here. I appreciated his kind words about all of us. You have heard me say this before, but when parents and teachers work together for the benefit of each child, well, that equates into a great school.  I was proud as alumnus, Shannon Maguire, Class of 2010, spoke last Sunday of her passion and love for St.  Katharine of Siena School. It was here she was grounded in her faith. It was here she gained confidence to be a leader. It was here, she first developed her love for music and performing.
                 On Monday morning, as a community our school gathered in church as Msgr. Brouwers clearly, carefully, and eloquently spoke at the children’s level and walked us through the Mass.  Not a regular Mass but a “teaching mass” per  se.   Our students were so attentive. Several teachers came to me afterwards to say how wonderful Msgr. Brouwers was with the students as he answered question after question about the why, what, where, and how of the Mass.  I truly believe our students (and teachers) have a much clearer perspective on what is done at the mass and why. 
                 On Tuesday we had the “great non - blizzard” of 2015. Sometimes as a principal, you just can’t win. I try to take into consideration so many things before I call off school: Safety, first of course, other factors are  teachers/staff that travel from distances , what buses are or are not running. These are some of the  major factors into the decision making progress.  I know for families that have two working parents that snow days can be a major pain in the ankle. In the end, I do what I think is best for us a community and realize I can’t make everybody happy, or always count on the weather forecast being right.
                Some people's  vision of CSW is all fun and games without any learning taking place. Not true at our school!  Knowledge: Experts agree that students can learn more informally than formally.  Who can argue that our own health is an important topic for a child to learn about?  On Wednesday, thanks to Mary T. Skilton , Christine Sisian, Nicole Mc Cormick and other members of the SHC (School Health Council) and volunteers we had a Heath Fair Day that gave each child important information.   The day started with our 8th grade students giving health lessons to every other grade. I was impressed with their energy and preparation. They gave important information to the younger grades.  Thanks to one lesson, I was reminded that in one can of soda there are 8 tablespoons of sugar. The visual was really staggering to see.  At the Health Fair, Dr. Mike Mc Cormick gave an informative lesson on the heart.  At the famous Fear Factor, we tried new healthy vegetables such as quinoa, plantain chips, and cauliflower. Volunteers from CHOP came to talk to us about caring for our eyesight.  SKS Mom, Mistie Whalen, with some help from Anna Rockich and friends walked every class through an actual yoga class.  I need to work on my flexibility!   Thanks to Student Council president, Grace King‘s efforts, we had our first Ping Pong Club after school. Grace and I played the first official game.  Grace “got game” as she smoked me by a score of 11-2!  Besides flexibility, I need to work on my forehand! I want a rematch , Grace!
                We had some fun on Thursday with the annual Student/Faculty Basketball game and we helped the  Ancient Order of Hibernians by performing a simple act of Service by bringing in canned soup for our annual SOUPER Bowl  Contest and donating food to distribute to the less fortunate.  My dyed hair color and face painted blue and green  provided laughs for everyone apparently. More laughs were provided when my usual head first slide at the intro of the game turned into semi -disaster, when my entrance ground speed was not enough to carry my head first slide on the newly resurfaced  non -slip gym floor. Translation was a collision with my face and the hardwood resulting in  five  stitches on my chin, and permanent reminder that I am a not a kid anymore.... no more  head first slides for me .... at least until next year!! 
                We wrapped up Friday with a closing mass and then to the gym for one of my favorite events of the year: The Annual School Spelling Bee. I like how our students root for their classmates, at the same time respect the other contestants, and cheer for anyone as they leave the competition. Good sportsmanship is always a must. Fourth grader , Blake Stefan  beat out first grader Abby Sharkey in a exciting finish.    
                                                      Financial  Opportunities 

                There is Maguire Foundation offering scholarship opportunities for students entering freshman year next fall at any ARCHDIOCESAN High school such as Archbishop Carroll.  Last year, Madison Nord ,  one of our students, won such a scholarship.
              To apply go to: Maguire Foundation:  http://www.maguirefoundation.org/scholars.php
              If you are interested in applying for financial aid from BLOCS  for next year please go to www.blocs.org.  Each year we are able to assist a number of families with tuition assistance.  I encourage you to follow up on this. Last year, we gave out over $33,000 in BLOCS money. 

                                                             Two HUGE Events 

-  The SKS Fashion Show aka GNO (GIRLS NIGHT OUT) slated for March 5th  6:30 -10 @Overbrook CC. This is a can't miss affair for our Moms.  Shopping, food, drinks, and a lot time to catch up with everyone.  

- The precusor to the above  is the "other GNO " as in  GUYS NIGHT OUT ... Dad's no shopping involved,  but there is plenty of food , drink and a "guy's raffle " with plenty of sports and  guy talk.  C'mon out  on Thursday,  February 26th, at 7pm, at Casey' s in Berwyn . 

Mark these dates down in your calendar ! 

Please pray for The Leyden Family. Sara lost her beloved Dad , Robert C. Malaney, last evening. I am sure that Sara and Jay , and their family, would appreciate our prayers for their family at this time. 

The rest of this blog are pictures from CSW. The pictures on the blog tell the story of  our school. Our school is a fun, caring,  place to be where learning takes place. We are all blessed.

Take care,

Mr.  T. 

8th graders Luca , Joe, and  Kevin give a health lesson to the 6th grade on avoiding sugary drinks. 

Zucchini  (Zoo + Key + Knee)  at Fear Factor was big hit for some students !

Grace King shows her awesome forehand at the newly formed  after school Ping Pong Club 
 on Mondays and Wednesdays  in the cafeteria .  Grades 5 to 8 are welcome . 
You pay a dollar and sign up or just show up . It's so much fun.

Msgr. Brouwers talks to the entire student body at the "Teaching Mass."  

SKS Mom, Mistie Whelan , led every grade in a yoga class at the Health Fair. 

 The 8th grade is here in the plank position.

The SKS School Band performed admiarbly at the big Sunday Open House / Showcase. 

Shannon Maguire, SKS Class of 2010 , now on academic scholarship at St Joseph University,  speaks to the school community  at our Sunday Open House about how she developed her leadership skills and passion for music when she was here at St.  Katharine of Siena. 

Blake Stefan (standing) won another exciting Spelling Bee Contest held during CSW.

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