Sunday, May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015
Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
It' s been a while.....Since April 6th , the date of my surgery, these following weeks seem to be a bit of a time warp for me. My grateful heart thanks all of you for your cards, prayers and words of support and encouragement. My absence had put more of a strain on our teachers/staff at a time of the year that is challenging to begin with. I am thankful to them as well. I have seen some of you at school as I was back a few days the week of April 20th . Last week, I was pretty much back full time. The recovery has been much faster then I thought. I go home tired, but each day I feel a bit better and stronger each day. The great news is that I am moving better, standing taller, and pain free. I don't expect to be running the SK5K, this year anyway, but I will be walking. More than anything I am happy to be with the students. Their smiles, cards, well wishes, comments, and questions have been very entertaining. "So Mr. Tosti, " said one precocious 1st grader two weeks ago , "You really have a new hip? Is it really in there and can I see it ?
I thought I 'd share a couple more of the great get well cards I received as well. I am not making any of these up. The names have not been signed to protect the innocent (and any mis-spellings)!
Dear Mr. T.,
What a surprise to see you today at school ! I misssed you so much!
Dear Mr. T.
God bless you Mr. Tosti. I hope you feel better. Monsignor is doing really well in replacement of you..The school is really fine without you, if you wondered. Just hang in their.
Dear Mr. T.,
Get well soon! You are a great principal. I can't believe Mrs De Petris is principal for the younger grades.
Dear Mr. T.,
I want you to be happy but mostly I want your hip to feel better.
Dear Mr.T.,
I hope you fell better . School is no fun without you.
Dear Mr. T. ,
Oh my gosh you have got to be kitten me right meow! Get well soon.
Dear Mr. T.,
i hope you feel better. Thinking of you in my prays and hope you have a big bowl of pasta.
Dear Mr. T.,
Have faith for: "he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3
Dear Mr. T.,
I hope you are feeling better. My family and I are praying for you. I will try to keep things under control here while you are out.
Dear Mr. T.,
I am glad you are doing better. I look forward to seeing you in the halls because it's different not seeing you walking around. I hope you come back soon.
Dear Mr.T.,
It has been too quiet without you. I am glad your operation went well and you have recovered . I understand you have over 400 letters to read so i am going to keep this short and sweat and from the heart.
Dear Mr. T,
I hope you are better. I can't wait till you are back and we can play basketball again in the schoolyard again.
Congratulations are in order to :
- Our 3rd graders of the parish who received their First Communion.
- Our students who performed so admirably in SCAN.
- Our 4th and 5th graders who participated in the Reading Olympics. Special thanks to Jill D'Agostino who worked so hard to coordinate and all our volunteer parents who helped. What can more important than encouraging our students to read, and develop a love for reading?
- The beautiful class mass prepared by the 2nd grade last week. Did you hear the singing by the choir and our 2nd graders - amazing!!
- Our 6th , 7th & 8th Grade Forensics team who won 2nd Place at the Holy Ghost Prep Tourney.
- The awesome success of our Go Run team coordinated by Megan Hope and so many generous volunteer parents . Special thanks to Jim Sharkey for his efforts each week in leading the charges.
- Our 8th grade , Class of 2015 , who had a wonderful retreat at the Malvern Retreat House this past Thursday, thanks to David Heacock and Mike Mc Conomy and their parents.
- Finally in the better late than never list of congratulations and thanks: To the Spring Fashion Show Committee members ( Eileen Bookbinder Crissy Pyfer, Renee de Gennaro, Darcy Weiser and all those who helped them. If you haven't heard, the night raised a total of $ 42,000!!! That's not a misprint.and it is really an unbelievable number for us. We are so fortunate to have so many people who work so hard for our school community.
In a separate email I will be sending you an update for the May Procession this Wednesday night. Please red it carefully so you know what is going on. Thanks.
If you have not registered for the annual SK5K , this Saturday, May 9th, c'mon and get your sneaks ready to run, walk, crawl or just plain cheer your family and friends on. This day is another community event that brings us together. I hope to see you there. The following Saturday, May 16th, you can clean out your closets, garage, and basement for the 2nd Annual SKS Garage Sale. Remember, one persons junk is another person's treasure!
The month of May continues to be a flurry of activities in and out of school. It's a challenge for teachers, parents and students to finish the race strong. We all need to be equal to that challenge and finish the school year with a positive effort and attitude.
It's good to be back with all of you. I will see you in car line soon. I feel blessed to be principal of St. Katharine of Siena School.
Take care,
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