Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Dear St. Katharine of Siena Families,
               Can we really believe that September has come and gone? And so has Pope Francis! On this past  Monday, I visited an 8th grade classroom and asked for one word to describe Pope Francis and this past weekend. I got responses such as "caring,  compassionate , kind, energized, revolutionary" to name a few.  No doubt Pope Francis has left an impact on many people, Catholics and non - Catholic, as well. My signature moment was watching him stop the car at the airport when he first arrived. Then he walked over to the teenage boy in the wheelchair to bless him and hug him. His mom just started bawling....and so did I. You knew then it was going to be a special weekend with Pope Francis.  I hope his mark will be indelible upon our parish, our city and our nation.

               As we get back into a routine again for school I have to remind one final time that in order to volunteer here at school you must have your three clearances. We are going to start "carding at the door" for clearances at the front entrance and if you are here to help us (which we absolutely want) you must have the state mandated clearances. Repeat: No Clearances  =  You Cannot Volunteer. Like it or not , we have to take a hard stand here. You don't have to like getting the clearances,  you just have to get them. It's state law.  In addition, you need to attend the Safe Environment Seminar by the archdiocese.  The next one is  here October 6 at 7 pm in our parish center - it's very convenient.

Here's what you need (for the 6th time this year):
           - Criminal Check Clearance  (done on line in 5 minutes)
           - Child Abuse Clearance       ( ditto)
           - FBI  Fingerprint Clearance (or the waiver, if  you have lived in this state for 10                                consecutive years without incidence you just need to sign the waiver and submit that).
           - Take the  archdiocesan safe environment seminar.
Thanks for agreeing that our students need to be kept safe here at St. Katharine of Siena School.

There is a Scout meeting tonight  in the cafeteria at 6:30 pm for any boy in grades 1 to 5 who is interested. Scouts is a great niche for boys and if you are looking for something for your son that promotes friendship, creativity, and fun - this is a great experience. If you can't make the meeting there is a contact number on the sheet your son brought home to you yesterday.

This Saturday, October 3rd , hurricane or no hurricane, the SKS Waverunners (made up of  SKS Faculty & Staff)  will be paddling with 160 other teams on the river at the annual Philadelphia Dragon Boat Festival. Each of these 160 teams paddles for a charitable cause. Our cause is for Amy Barnes, a friend of SKS and former caretaker for Logan  Schweiter, who is being treated for breast cancer .  Many of you have generously responded already. Amy has mounting medical bills and could use our help. If you would like to help go to:  and please keep Amy in your prayers.  Also a few prayers for the SKS Waverunners, especially the Drummer (who is a certain principal of a local area parochial school right here on the main line!) as they battle the elements including a possible hurricane.

 Attention parents in grades 7 & 8: Due Friday is your child's and your signature contract that you and they understand fully the parameters of the BYOD agreement. Students are expected to turn in the contract by Friday.  I reviewed this with them, especially the fact that if there is a second violation of the agreement, they lose this privilege for the entire school year. This was a school handbook change sent to you this summer.

October has a huge social calendar of events.  Tomorrow afternoon,  the First SKS Parent/Child  Golf Tournament for SKS TAP tees off tomorrow at 3:30 pm at Glen Hardie CC.  Shout out to Drew Hodgens , Chet Walsh and others who helped make this event happen for a wonderful cause

 Please review the school calendar for upcoming events.  One night in particular,  I would like you to especially reserve will be a very important and informative night is our first Home & School Meeting: On Tuesday, October 20 at 7 pm in the cafeteria , we will be honored to have Dr./ Sr.  Pat Mc Cormack IHM  present to us. Sr.Pat will be the sole presenter that evening. I have heard her speak and ever since I did, I wanted to have her here.  She is dynamic, sincere, and will reach your heart, mind, and soul. Sr Pat speaks internationally and was a featured presenter at the World Meeting of Families. WOW!!!  It's only by a stroke of luck (or perhaps divine intervention) that we were able to get her. This is a presentation you want to see. The following day, in smaller groups, she will present to each of our students as well. I am excited to have her here. I hope at the least one parent from each family will attend.

We are getting back into a routine again Post Francis. Make sure your child's priorities are in order:
                         1. Faith & Family always come first.
                         2. Academics - this needs to be their next priority.  Not sports, TV , computer                                       games, dances, other activities, or their social calendar.
                         3.  After the  #1 and #2  you and they can decide what's next.

If we as parents and teachers together communicate this message and have high expectations for them in this regard, the children will follow our lead. If not, there needs to be dialogue and possible consequences. That's good parenting and good teaching, and we need to be a team.

Take care,




Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear SKS Families,
       The letter below is from Cradles to Crayons.  I  want to add my thanks to all those who supported a great cause. It's always a good feeling to teach our children to help others in need.

Best regards,


Letter from Cradles to Crayons 

Hi Bud and Kevin!
I wanted to thank you both again for partnering with Cradles to Crayons for our first Wayne Community Collection. Due to the result of your efforts, 5,000+ individuals were engaged in the mission and model of Cradles to Crayons. I’m thrilled to report out that 207 13 gallon bags of children’s essential items were collected! From this very large and impressive donation, over 310 children will be provided with the essentials they need to thrive at home, at school and at play.

Please, share my many thanks with your team. We could not have done  this without you!

I have also attached some of the photos from when we were unloading the unit this past Monday! You filled the front room of our warehouse!

On behalf of the children and families we serve, Cradles to Crayons wants to thank you for taking action.

I look forward to partnering with you again soon!

Renée Nicolo
Manager of Community Engagement
Cradles to Crayons
The Giving Factory | 30 Clipper Rd. | West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Mail: PO Box 799 | Conshohocken, PA 19428
Office: (215) 836-0958 X213




Friday, September 11, 2015

Dear St. Katharine of Siena Families,
       It's a gorgeous September day and thankfully it has cooled off some.  We completed week one! 
       This morning at our first school prayer service we prayed for our school community that we have a safe, joyful, and healthy new school year for our community. We also offered a moment of silence for our country in remembrance of the 14th anniversary of September 11, 2001. It's hard for me to fathom that most of our student weren't even born prior to that date. 
       Last Night KG - 1 Parents were here for an important Back to School Night.  KG Parents were back here this morning with our new KG students at an open house, as they prepare to start this Monday.
        After the Prayer Service today presided by Msgr. Brouwers, I spoke briefly to grades 1 to 8 in church about how we need to be welcoming to all, how we need to take care of each other, and about their priorities: Faith, Family, and School. Then we held two separate town meetings  (KG-4 and 5th - 8th)  to review things that we as a school need to do in order for our school to run smoothly. I want to thank our teachers and staff for setting clear expectations to our students.  
        My gratitude as well to all those families who have contributed to Cradles to Crayons. The storage unit on Midland Avenue is near full! They were going  pick up the unit today, but now it won't be till Monday. We will continue to accept donations through the weekend. 
         I hope to see you tonight at the Welcome Back to School Family Fun Night. I 'll be scooping water ice.  It's one of my few talents! Remember to get your families to mass this weekend. 

Have a nice weekend,

Members of the SKS Youth Ministry Team helped promote the Cradles to Crayons service project 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,

  Welcome to Mr. T.'s first blog of the year! I hope you are weathering through this heat wave! TGFACS as in "Thank God for an Air Conditioned School!   

 You may have driven by today the large storage unit on Midland Avenue that is here only till Friday!!

Have you been meaning to donate the new & gently-used children's items that your kids no longer need? From tomorrow until Friday, you can drop off your new & gently-used children's clothing, shoes, books, toys, school supplies, baby equipment, and more, at St. Katharine of Siena School in Wayne, and Cradles to Crayons will use those donations to help local children in need thrive—at home, at school, and at play.

START: Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 9AM
END: Friday, Sept. 11 at 8AM

St. Katharine of Siena School
223 Midland Ave., Wayne, PA 19087

Let’s help those families in the area that need our help and support and fill up this entire storage unit !! You can drop it off in car line! 

Day 2 is in the books and we have had two great days in spite of the heat because our school is COOL in every way!  Even dismissal which is usually a disaster the first week of school has run smoothly.  It’s helpful in car line at afternoon dismissal to have the FAMILY NAME in bold print on a placard by the passenger windshield so we can read the name . Car line will move even faster by doing this. Thanks.  Demerits will be given on Monday for these cars without name tags!  

There are only about 15 names left on Anne’s “hit list” for emergency medical forms. I am going to be honest and tell you that every minute that Anne and  I spend chasing families for forms that should have been done a long time ago is frustrating and time wasted in which  we could be doing things more important for this school,and our students.  Personally, I’d much rather spend time connecting with students then worrying about whether families have done their homework or if we can contact them in an emergency.  My apologies if I am preaching to the the choir for many, but we remain frustrated by the 20 to 40% that do not do as asked until we darn near have to threaten. Like I said,  just being honest here. 
This Friday is Welcome Back to SKS Family Fun and Pizza Night in the gym from 6 to 8:30.  It’s great way to meet new families and reconnect within our community. Hope to see you there.

Remember the school calendar,  Anne’s emails and mine, and your child’s  teacher(s) communications are huge in creating that important partnership  that we form to help educate the whole child. Stay connected and stay in the loop!

This blog comes to you  from time to time.  It is emailed directly to our SKS Families.  It will have some updates, goings on, educational pieces, and pictures of our school in action. The blog portrays what a positive, joyful place this school is. We are a blessed community! Thanks and try to stay cool. 

All smiles the first day of school day of school with Mr. T. from l to r: Shane Doyle (3rd) , Kayleigh Doyle (8th) , and new 8th grade student , Emma Sponholtz

Take care,
