Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015

Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,

             If you have not heard of The Little Blue Book  based on the writings of Bishop Ken Untener  during this past Advent season, I highly encourage you to file it away as a must for next year. Copies were made available in church.  It's five minutes of reflection that can carry you through a day,a  week, even the Advent season.  The faculty and I use them when we meet for morning prayers and I have to say it really helps us maintain our focus and mission as Catholic school teachers and as Catholics. It  helps ground you.

             Helen Keller once said,  "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." As we arrive at Christmas break this is an opportunity to thank all of you for your kindness and goodness to this school, our faculty and staff and to me personally. The support we receive continually is something I can actually "feel."  The best gifts we receive from others are often not the tangible ones.  It's our faith, our family, our friends, our health, and the chance to be together with the ones that mean the most to us.  In my Christmas blessings I will thank God for my relationships within our St. Katharine of Siena School Family: Colleagues, parents, and students. I feel privileged to serve this community.  May your coming Christmas days be merry and bright.....joyful, restful, and peaceful as well.

             With  love and gratitude,


P.S.   Below is the latest communication from the PA Catholic Conference I received regarding the state budget. Gov. Wolf continues to be on Santa's not nice list.  

Dear Education Department Members,

I hope you are doing well.  The PCC just released the following budget impasse impact article with an action alert.  Please forward to all your education circles.  Here is the link to the website article: http://www.pacatholic.org/the-dire-consequences-of-inaction-on-education-tax-credits/ and here is the link to the action alert: https://www.votervoice.net/PACC/campaigns/43824/respond.

Sean P. McAleer, MGA
Director of Education
PA Catholic Conference
PO Box 2835
Harrisburg, PA 17105
717.238.9613 Office
717.514.1882 Cell
717.238.1473 Fax

    Connor Kraus visits with SKS parishioner, Mrs. Margie Blake, after bringing her a Christmas wreath and  Christmas cards made from the the entire school for our parishioners who may be homebound. 

Mr. Gavin and his class brought gifts to a family at The Village. The 4th grade collected and raised funds to buy gifts for a family. 

Pictures from The Christmas Tableau 


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15, 2015

 Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
              The Advent Season continues and everyone is busy. I hope you and your families have found this time to be one of joy and peace. I see many parents coming in these days stressed about trying to make Christmas perfect for their families. The truth is our lives are often messy.  As parents we deal with many things: taking care of children and caring for  own parents as well, pressure at work, trying to ready the house for company, and finding the right gift for everyone. Christmas need not be perfect. Advent and Christmas should be joyful.  The meaning is in the presence, not the presents.  When you feel yourself overwhelmed with a full plate, first take a deep breath, smile, say a prayer, and remember to be be joyful and at peace knowing you are doing the best you can.

            Besides joy and peace, we need to be  merciful. Pope Francis started this Year of Mercy on December 8th. He symbolized it by opening the doors of the church in Rome. So too, we are to open our hearts to both give and receive mercy as needed. It takes humility to do this. Pope Francis serves as an excellent role model to follow. He said, "We have to put mercy before judgment, and in any event that takes place, God's judgment will always be in the light of His mercy."  We can all follow Francis' lead by being less judgmental to those around us.

           The  attendance at the KG- 4 Christmas Concert was tremendous. Thank you for coming. I think we had a record numbers of grandparents and we love seeing them there. My mom was able to attend the dress rehearsal that Wednesday afternoon. She loved seeing the children's  innocence, as our students sang like angels. What we do everyday in school is vital; however, everything we do begins and ends in church. It is who we are and what we are about. Tomorrow evening, the 5th - 8th  grade will show this spirit when they perform our annual Christmas Tableau. I have been to a few rehearsals, and as usual, see that the performance will be outstanding. The retelling of the true Christmas story will warm your hearts; all are invited.

          Last Thursday I was able to attend the talk by Jason Evert that we advertised for students and parents from 7th grade through high school on Teenage Purity.  Jason is an international speaker and last week he spoke at nearby St. Norbert's Church. Some of our parents and students were able to attend.  In a future blog, I will share  his "Top Ten Tips to Parent For  Purity." I give you  a website where you and your teenage child can download his talks. Jason has a gift to connect with  teenagers and parents alike. He left the church  last week to a standing ovation.

             I am working my way from 8th grade on down to meet with students about their first trimester report card and setting goals for the second trimester. I won't meet with every student, but I will with many who need guidance and support. Providing honest feedback to our students is the #1 way to improve student performance.  Do you know that many students do not realize that their effort can /will increase their performance in school.  We know it will, but research has shown that some students will not equate effort with performance results. Remember it is always about effort, attitude, and being respectful of people, places, and things.

           The teachers and I  remain grateful to you everyday for your support of our school community.

Take care,


The First Grade performed beautifully, as did all the grades,  at the annual 
KG - 4  Christmas Concert. 
From L to R: Michael and Sophia Schuller were assisted by Rochelle Clerkin and Jocelyn Salinas earlier in December . Parents were able to drop off their kids and get some early shopping done thanks to the SKS Community Service and Respect Life Club members who watched them.

Michael Duncan is very intent as he buys a gift at the Santa Secret Workshop. Many thanks to Arlene Brogan and all her elves who helped out.

The Knights of Columbus sponsored the "Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest.            Thanks to Joe Checchia, who had all our students enter the contest . First place in the three    age groups went to: Jamie McCracken, Phoebe Chambers, and Catherine Haley .  Runners
up were: Connor Kendall, Sophie Walkenhurst, Sophia De Giovanni, Franny Gallagher, Isabel Oliver, and Angela Salinero  

      Kayleigh Doyle had an amazing cross country season for our SKS CYO team and for              the Archdiocesan CYO team that traveled  to CCCYN National Championships. The team       finished 9th out of 23 teams, and she finished 38th out of 251 individuals, with a personal best time at 4 kilometers of 15:51.  Congrats Kayleigh!

A priceless mother/daughter moment as  Jen Driscoll helps her daughter, Lochlan, make some jewelry at Donuts with Santa. Thank you to Mary Ann Garzio  and Cindy McKernan  and the many volunteers who coordinated this annual event. 

Joe Garzio can barely contain his smile posing as an angel at the caricature Nativity scene at Donuts with Santa.