Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 11, 2016

     Dear St. Katharine of Siena School Families,
              On this past Monday evening, I joined about 175 parents, teachers, and students from both SKS and SCJN schools for our joint Speak Up! event for 7th and 8th graders. I have probably attended a dozen or so Speak Up! events and each time I learn something more about what adolescents and families are experiencing.
               One thing I realize more and more is that today's world is much more complicated than mine or yours was. Their world moves much faster, too fast in fact. 
              Speak Up!'s Executive Director, Martie Bernicker, did a quick exercise with parents and students before the breakout sessions. She talked about the fact that every student carries with them to school a backpack with their books and belongings. However, along with that regular backpack, they carry with them an invisible backpack . In that invisible backpack is each child's hopes, dreams, fears, and inadequacies that young adults face: Am I smart? Am I good looking enough? Am I popular? What do my peers think of me?  The list goes on. Martie went on to mention that parents have invisible backpacks too that they carry with them: Am I doing too much or too little? How do I balance freedom with responsibility? Do I protect my child or let them make their own mistakes? These invisible backpacks can weigh on students and parents. They  can get really heavy with one big issue or a lot of little issues. Sometimes families have the same issues, and sometimes the issues differ from family to family. 
            The essence of Speak Up! is to let adolescents and parents  know they are not alone. It teaches our students that they can speak up and ask for help. We as adults can ask for help too. No family needs to walk alone. There is help available.  On Friday, November 18, at 8:30 there is a Speak Up! coffee at their home office on  528 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite #50. The guest speaker is Michael Blanche, who is excellent. The topic is Drugs & Alcohol. For more resources and assistance go to
          This evening at 7 pm in cafeteria for our first Home & School Meeting, Drew Bergman from Minding Your Mind will be here to talk about his journey as a youth dealing with attempted suicide and how he overcame it. It's a serious topic and we have sent several reminders along with info about Drew on the Minding Your Mind website. 
         Tomorrow is Veteran's Day. We invite you and any veterans  to join us as we honor those who fought and continue to fight for our freedom at 1:30 in the schoolyard. Students have been encouraged to bring either pictures of family/friends who have or are serving or their names on an index card.  The SKS Band will play the national anthem, Msgr. Brouwers will say a prayer and blessing in honor of all who served , and Mr. Ross Fry will play Taps. As a school, we will recite the Pledge of  Allegiance. The entire school will assemble outside as our Student Council and a group of students from grades 5 to 8 will help unfurl a large flag  and then refold it properly to honor all Veterans. After that Student Council and the 8th grade will go over to Aberdeen Ave. by the rectory, where a tree will be planted to honor a Veteran. We hope you can come.   
         Friday evening is also our annual SKS Got Talent in the gym. Come see singing, dancing,  piano playing, comedy acts, jump roping and more as our students let their talents shine on the bright stage. There might even be a surprise act I hear !?
          Every Wednesday morning after the 8 am mass, a group of parents gather in the grotto and pray the rosary. Sometimes they are joined by a class who goes out to pray with them. Consider getting away from the daily grind for about a few minutes and spend some  quiet some time with our Blessed Mother. It's good for the soul.
          Please know that we can always use volunteers at lunch in the cafeteria and in the schoolyard to monitor the students. There is no sign up involved. If you have your clearances you can just show up any day that works for you.  
           We are collecting for those who will be cold during the winter days ahead. Send in any hats, gloves, and coats that are sitting in your closets for Cradles to Crayons.  We are a blessed community and we have an obligation to help those who cannot help themselves.
           There are still some beautiful fall colors in this season of autumn and Thanksgiving is right around the corner from us. Have a great Friday and weekend ahead. 

Take care,


P.S. Get your family to Mass too!

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